Australia Wide

Kristal Anderson – Positive Behaviour Support – NSW Central Coast Region

Having a Sense of Place is so important, that’s where we feel valued, feel included and feel a sense of belonging. Kristal recently joined our team as a Behaviour Support Practitioner. Kristal has extensive experience in functional behaviour assessments, behaviour support plans, training and skill-building. Kristal has 10 + years of experience in inclusive education, specialising in supporting students with diverse and complex needs.

Renée Maloney – Positive Behaviour Support – Melbourne Eastern Suburbs, Victoria

Renee has 16 years of dedicated experience in special education and neurodiversity, is an enthusiastic education professional who is committed to creating inclusive learning environments and fostering vibrant communities. Renee’s career reflects a passion for bridging the gap between theory and practice, emphasizing the diverse learning requirements of students. Renee brings a wealth of experience in evidence-based teaching practices. Renee is currently pursuing a Master of Applied Behaviour Analysis at Monash University.

Sarah Bowerman – Support Coordination & Registered Nurse – Brisbane, Ipswich, Logan , Gold Coast QLD & Newcastle NSW by arrangement

Sarah is people focused with a strong background in Health care with expertise in healthcare assessment and provision of quality care. Sarah understands that each individual is different and that support extends beyond individual health needs to include social connection and ongoing growth and fulfilment within the community.

Jaimee Galloway – Level 3 Support Coordination and Positive Behaviour Support – Ipswich, Scenic Rim, Gold Coast, Logan, QLD

Jaimee has a diverse professional and qualification background including education, emergency management, adventure therapy, vocational training, mental health, complex trauma and case management. She has extensive experience across the NDIS, education, youth justice, child safety, health and community sectors, and is an ally to the Queer community. She’s passionate about encouraging and supporting people to engage and participate in occupations that are meaningful and purposeful to them.

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