Disability and Human Rights

Disability and Human Rights

“Be my microphone, not my voice” -Dave Hingsburger
This quote couldn’t ring truer for Brigette and the team at Create A Sense of Place.

Unfortunately, in Australia and around the world, people with disability, especially those with profound intellectual disabilities, have been excluded from our society as citizens.

The world needs to recognise the rights of people living with disability as the same as someone who is not living with disability. We need to remember that one’s ability to communicate in a conventional way is not superior to someone that cannot verbally express their wills and wants without assistance.

We all have a role to play to ensure that we can support someone to communicate their needs, to be their microphone to support them to be valued and contributing members of society.

People living with disability have a right to live a safe life free from harm and discrimination of any kind. Whilst Australia still has a long way to go in achieving true inclusion, accessibility and equality for all people living with disability, we are doing good things and there are some incredible people out there doing some amazing work!

At Create A Sense of Place, we aim to do better, to be better.

We will continue to advocate, to learn, to act and to listen ❤️

Here’s some resources that you may find useful:

“People with PIMD (profound intellectual and multiple disabilities ) deserve the dignity of being named, counted and recognised for who they are, what they need, and how they might be a unique part of our community
– By Sheridan Forster (Forster, 2010 pg.33)

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