Confidentiality & Privacy...

Confidentiality & Privacy


Create a Sense of Place will ensure all matters are treated in the strictest confidence. We will ensure individuals are aware of their right to confidentiality, and instances where confidentiality must be breached, during the intake process.

Create a Sense of Place will record personal information at the consent of the individual for the purposes of intake and referral, client files, record keeping, reports, social media, NDIS portal and auditing purposes. We will disclose this use of any personal information during the intake process to the individual and/or their advocate, prior to service commencement.

Guiding Principles


  1. We require a signed consent on our intake form to collect, store and share personal information both internally and externally
  2. We will keep all personal information and data private through the use of password protected computer and programs to ensure no unauthorised person has access to private information.
  3. All staff sign the Code of Conduct declaration to protect an individual’s privacy.
  4. An individual can have access to their personal information at any time.
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