Who We Are

What Makes us Different

We Value people

We value our team, and the people we serve. We value the people that work around us, and we understand that collaboration is the key to success. We want to ensure that everyone who is a part of CASoP feels valued, feels connected and feels safe to raise any concerns.

We Support our CASoP Team

We support our CASoP Team by providing ongoing and regular mentoring and supervision. This structure allows our team to debrief, get guidance, discuss challenges and to gain support strategies to ensure there is a healthy work/life balance.

We provide all our own training from the onboarding stage, through to webinars about specific topics that our team want to learn about. We hold regular team meetings and often have guest speakers so our team can continue to learn and grow. 

We set clear expectations with our Team Members and this is reflected in our Team Members high standard in their service provision. We believe these expectations, along with our training and mentoring structure, is what sets Create A Sense of Place apart from other organisations.

We Listen to the People we Serve

We understand that listening, just listening, not fixing, not thinking about your answer, but just listening, is one of the most important skills you can have when supporting someone.
We have a dedicated Team Member who reaches out to the people we serve to learn about how they feel accessing our service, if there are any issues, what are our strengths and how we can improve our service provision. You can learn a lot by just listening, and create an even better service for people.

Conflict of Interest

This is where an NDIS provider, whether that be a sole trader, or company, or any eligible type, provides Support Coordination and another service in a person’s NDIS plan.

Why is this an Issue?

Well if your Support Coordinator comes from the same organisation that also provides your Supported Independent Living (SIL) and/or your support work, and lets even just throw Behaviour Support in there too, what does this look like if you have an issue with service provision? Who do you talk to? How safe do you feel to raise a concern and not worry this will impact the quality of your service provision? What if your Support Coordinator is best buddies with your house Team Leader? Where does this leave you?

Unfortunately these are real issues faced by people with a disability who access supports.

Conflicts of Interests have a higher risk of leading to abuse, and tragically, we have seen this time and time again. We are hopeful that the NDIA and the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission will do more in this area to keep people with a disability safe and free from the risk of abuse. Audits need to have much more focus on this area than they currently do.

As a registered NDIS provider, we have an obligation to ensure the people we support are making informed decisions about the supports they receive, and are able to exercise true choice and control. Providers are obliged under the Terms of Business, which is signed and submitted to the NDIA, to not provide services to a participant where there is a conflict of interest, unless this conflict can be managed, and is upheld by policies and procedures.
You can read more about Conflict of Interests in our blog ‘Let’s Get Real’ here.

At Create A Sense of Place, we understand and know how life changing it can be for someone when they have the right supports in place. It is not a one size fits all, and we rarely see one organisation who does everything well. The beauty of the NDIS is that you are no longer restricted to one organisation. You can have all your supports in different organisations, and if you have a fabulous Support Coordinator, they will help you manage this.

We have found our niche, and we are experts in our field. We don’t need to be everything to everyone, we just want to be the best at what we do, not the biggest.

Why Wellbeing is Important To Us

We believe that well being encompasses everything we do, both professionally and privately.

We want to remember that the NDIS is not someone’s life, nor is someone defined by their disability. In our roles, many times we focus on a person’s disability. But we think beyond that, we think about the whole person, and what areas in their life they may need support other than just their NDIS services. A person with a disability has talents, skills, family and Interests outside of the world of service provision.

We would like our service provision to promote an individual’s wellbeing. We encourage our team to ask themselves the question, ‘What can I do to help support someone’s wellbeing?’ Perhaps it is connection with other like-minded people, having a relationship, or ordering their own meals, or getting involved in a new hobby. How can we help people to create opportunities?

We also would like to make sure that we are doing what we can to promote our CASoP Teams wellbeing. We do this by encouraging online and face to face connections to give our team opportunities to share their challenges, their success stories and have the opportunity to be inspired by each other. This connection and sense of belonging is invaluable for everyone individually, and our team as a whole, and in turn, our service provision.

Meet The Team

Leadership Team

Brigette Kirkpatrick – Chief Visionary Officer

I fell into working with people with disabilities through volunteering in 2006 and I have never looked back.

Anna Coxon – Leadership Support – South East QLD

Anna’s extensive experience in traditional business, gives her the “real world” grounding for providing excellent service and ensuring that the people she works with always feel that she is on your team.

Kim Tipoki – General Manager

Inspired by the joy of witnessing others succeed, Kim cherishes her role in people’s lives, no matter how big or small their victories.

We have practitioners located in NSW, QLD, VIC and WA. Many of our team also offer their services Australia wide via Telehealth.

Vision Team

Emma Jackson – Behaviour Support Practitioner & Counsellor

Emma ensures that she takes the time and effort to understand situations to their full extent.
She is committed to providing the best possible practice to ensure that the quality of life for her participants is improved. She is honest and practical in her approach.

Cody Brisley – Counsellor & Positive Behaviour Support

Cody has always had a drive for supporting young people in finding their passion and pursuing their purpose.

Ivy-Rose Laidler – Social Media Manager & Resource Developer

Ivy-Rose is particularly passionate about ensuring people have the skill set to thrive in life and increasingly move towards independence.

Jaimee Galloway – Level 3 Support Coordination and Positive Behaviour Support – Ipswich, Scenic Rim, Gold Coast, Logan, QLD

Jaimee has a diverse professional and qualification background including education, emergency management, adventure therapy, vocational training, mental health, complex trauma and case management. She has extensive experience across the NDIS, education, youth justice, child safety, health and community sectors, and is an ally to the Queer community. She’s passionate about encouraging and supporting people to engage and participate in occupations that are meaningful and purposeful to them.

Action Team

Carrie Gibbs – Support Coordination, Specialist Support Coordinator, Counselling & Positive Behaviour Support

Carrie believes having the right supports in place makes a big difference in a persons life.

Kirsten Jensen – Play Therapy, Counselling & Positive Behaviour Support Practitioner

With over 15 years experience working in Montessori education and with young
people, she is passionate about the importance of taking the time to form secure,
positive therapeutic relationships with individuals in order for them to feel heard and

Laura Dando – Psychologist and Positive Behaviour Support Practitioner

Laura is a Psychologist and Positive Behaviour Support Practitioner with 15 years experience supporting people with physical, intellectual and psychosocial disabilities, their families, friends and support networks.

Jessica McEachern – Specialist Support Coordinator, Positive Behaviour Support Practitioner

Jess has extensive experience with Psychosocial Disability and navigating the NDIS, Health services, Education services, Justice services and other mainstream/funded supports to support the participant in moving towards their goal.

Wendy Allan- Social Educator

If you want someone who values choice and control at the centre of the process while looking for opportunities to draw out strengths, Wendy is your ideal Social Educator. She truly cares about not just the participant, but family and other supports as well.

Shaz Hossein Positive Behaviour Support Practitioner | Registered Counsellor

With over six years of experience in mental health, NDIS, employment services, psychosocial recovery, and positive behaviour support practice, I have had the privilege of making a positive impact on the lives of many individuals. I am dedicated to continuing this journey helping others navigate their path towards a better future.

Sarah Bowerman – Support Coordination & Registered Nurse – Brisbane, Ipswich, Logan , Gold Coast QLD & Newcastle NSW by arrangement

Sarah is people focused with a strong background in Health care with expertise in healthcare assessment and provision of quality care. Sarah understands that each individual is different and that support extends beyond individual health needs to include social connection and ongoing growth and fulfilment within the community.

Renée Maloney – Positive Behaviour Support – Melbourne Eastern Suburbs, Victoria

Renee has 16 years of dedicated experience in special education and neurodiversity, is an enthusiastic education professional who is committed to creating inclusive learning environments and fostering vibrant communities. Renee’s career reflects a passion for bridging the gap between theory and practice, emphasizing the diverse learning requirements of students. Renee brings a wealth of experience in evidence-based teaching practices. Renee is currently pursuing a Master of Applied Behaviour Analysis at Monash University.

Allysa Lei – Positive Behaviour Support – Brisbane and Gold Coast Region

As a NDIS Behaviour Support Practitioner, Allysa has hands-on experience working with young people displaying challenging behaviours. Allysa completed her Bachelor degree in Psychology and Masters in Counselling. She has worked in the education, counselling and disability sector for 8 years.

Kristal Anderson – Positive Behaviour Support – NSW Central Coast Region

Having a Sense of Place is so important, that’s where we feel valued, feel included and feel a sense of belonging. Kristal recently joined our team as a Behaviour Support Practitioner. Kristal has extensive experience in functional behaviour assessments, behaviour support plans, training and skill-building. Kristal has 10 + years of experience in inclusive education, specialising in supporting students with diverse and complex needs.

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