Positive Behaviour Support
“Without language, one cannot talk to people and understand them;
one cannot share their hopes and aspirations, grasp their history,
appreciate their poetry, or savour their songs.” – Nelson Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom
Positive Behaviour Support with Create A Sense of Place
Did you know that communication is a human right?
“People have the right to express their feelings, regardless of the ways they do it (as long as it’s not violating another person’s human rights)”
– Article 21 of the Communication Bill of Human Rights. You can view the full Overview of the articles of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities here.
We need to be careful that we are not putting in strategies that actually further silence a person, who may already be silenced.
Create A Sense of Place is proud to provide a human rights approach to Positive Behaviour Support. We understand that to see a change in perceived challenging behaviour, a person needs to feel safe and be able to communicate their needs.
When there are barriers to being able to communicate your wants, your needs, your choices, and being able to say ‘no’, this can lead to many overwhelming feelings such as anger, frustration, anxiety and stress.
Stress has a huge impact on all humans, with or without disability. But our bodies response to stress is very intelligent, and has helped us as humans, to survive. This response to stress may come out as a behaviour, We see this behaviour as a strength, a way that someone can communicate their needs that are being unmet. We will work with this strength, and we use the stress cycle to help us address the reasons why people are in the orange/red zone, and find strategies to try and bring them back down to the green zone.

Often, people with disability are constantly in the orange zone, due to their needs being unmet. This means, it won’t take much to go into the red zone.
Our Behaviour Support Practitioners are creative and dedicated to hearing you, listening to you, and supporting self determination, so that you have control over your life. We develop positive behaviour support plans using a range of evidence-based and person-centred, proactive strategies that focus on your individual needs.
NDIS Category: Improved Relationships
Important Information
To provide Behaviour Support, the organisation must be a NDIS registered provider, and the practitioner must be approved by the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission.