
We believe that well being encompasses everything we do, both professionally and privately.

We want to remember that the NDIS is not someone’s life, nor is someone defined by their disability. In our roles, many times we focus on a person’s disability. But we think beyond that, we think about the whole person, and what areas in their life they may need support other than just their NDIS services. A person with a disability has talents, skills, family and Interests outside of the world of service provision.

 We would like our service provision to promote an individual’s wellbeing. We encourage our team to ask themselves the question, ‘What can I do to help support someone’s wellbeing?’ Perhaps it is connection with other like-minded people, having a relationship, or ordering their own meals, or getting involved in a new hobby. How can we help people to create opportunities?

We also would like to make sure that we are doing what we can to promote  our CASoP Teams wellbeing. We do this by encouraging online and face to face connections to give our team opportunities to share their challenges, their success stories and have the opportunity to be inspired by each other. This connection and sense of belonging is invaluable for everyone individually, and our team as a whole, and in turn, our service provision. 

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