At Create A Sense of Place, we have set up systems to make sure we are working efficiently. This includes simple stuff like online forms which completely reduce our paper trail, but increase our audit trail for safeguard purposes.
We have checklists to follow, to ensure we get done what is needed, and regular staff meetings with action plans to ensure we stay on track.
Our work is transparent, and our records can be shared openly with the people we support should they wish to read their notes and files. This also flows into our claiming, and ensures we make the right claims for the support we have provided.
Being organised is so important!
Here’s some things to look out for that might mean your provider is disorganised:
- Missed supports
- Constantly changing shifts,
- Cancelling meetings/shifts,
- Over claiming for supports,
- Not claiming for months, and then doing a whopping huge claim,
- Constant change in workers.
Let’s look at support coordination.
A huge part of our role is helping to organise your NDIS plan. If your support coordinator is unorganised, or the company they work for is, you need to ask how on earth they will be able to organise your NDIS plan? Chances are they can’t.
Here’s some things to look out for:
- Your plan may not be implemented in full, or at all,
- Your funding may run out,
- Referrals have been made in house, and not organised based on suitability,
- Doubling up on work, leading to over charging,
- Bad, or non existent record keeping.
At Create A Sense of Place, we pride ourselves on being organised, and we believe this is reflected in our work, our thorough reporting processes and systems.
If this is important to you, and you feel you are not getting this with your current provider, get in touch.
You can read more about how we stay organised using online forms in an article here.