The role of the support coordinator (SC) is to guide participants through the planning cycle of their individual NDIS plan. The plan is usually a 12 month cycle but can be longer or shorter, dependent on intensity, urgency (crisis management) and other considerations.
Support Coordination operates on three tiers:
- Support Connection
- Coordination of Supports
- Specialist Support Coordination
Today, we are talking about Support Coordination
Support Coordination is the service where SC’s meet and discuss all aspects of the participants goals as outlined in the NDIS plan. It often involves multiple services and specialists, requires building capacity for the participant to understand and build ownership of the NDIS Planning process and ensure collaborative practice between services.
This requires considerable intensity at the commencement of a new plan when services have been either not engaged or not coordinated previously. The SC develops a basic action plan for support coordination activities in accordance with a service agreement. Communication with participant would be expected to be at least monthly once services are engaged.
The SC role also extends to ensuring services are planned in accordance within funding limits. Where multiple services are accessing one budget item, this requires negotiation.
SC prepares detailed referrals for service outlining all aspects of service/intervention required including design, monitoring, reporting, participant/staff training needs and participant/SC communication.
Key Activities of Support Coordination
- Select with participant appropriate specialists and services
- Seek assessment and specialist advice regarding therapy and psychological services
- Liaise with other agencies i.e. NSW Health, Education, FaCS
- Liaise with the NDIA, planners and other teams within agency
- Review and support service providers with service agreements for participants
- Ensure service costs fit within funding limits
- Mediate and support service delivery issues and/or challenges
- Support key appointments with specialists as appropriate
- Prepare SC report for plan review
- Ensure all reports received as required to inform plan review process
Qualifications and Experience: This requires the support coordinator to hold a relevant qualification such as a diploma or degree, with relevant experience.