A person’s NDIS plan contains some very private and personal information.
It is very common for providers to ask for a copy of your NDIS plan for their records.
Do you know that you do not have to share your NDIS plan with any of your providers, apart from your Coordinator of Supports (CoS)?
You will need to share your plan with your CoS so that they can help you set up supports and budget accordingly. They need to know what’s in your plan to do this.
However, we recommend that you ONLY share the information with providers that they need to know, and that will be helpful for them to support you.
Helpful information can include:
- Your goals
- Your support network
Information they need:
- The funding category/line item where they can claim from
- The amount of funding that you have allocated to them.
If your funding is managed by the NDIA, they will also need:
- You date of birth,
- Your NDIS number beginning with 43,
- Your last name,
- Plan End Date – if they are providing services for the life of your plan.
All of this information should be stipulated in a service agreement.
As a service that provides coordination, we only send off a copy of someone’s plan at the person’s consent.
With that in mind, please think about it before you send off yours, or someone else’s, NDIS plan.
Reach out to us here for more information about what we do.