Skill Development at Create A Sense of Place came from a recognition that our coordinators and many other providers had that there was a need for intentional capacity building that support worker do not have time for in their role. People were getting great support in their daily needs but were not able to set goals, break down goals into achievable sized pieces, help participant’s establish what they would love their life to look like and help navigate a way to get there.
Support Coordinators can play a huge role in assisting participants to achieve their goals and feel heard and supported but often there is not time or funding to do the intense sessions where the goals can be broken down, assessed, discussed and a detailed plan created for participants small goals or daily challenges.
Social Education at CASoP is taken very seriously as a role that is complimentary to the participants Coordinator, therapists and the NDIS plan itself.
Initially the Skill Development Practitioner meets with the participant and family/providers to establish what the Participant is hoping to achieve through their sessions together.
We have established amazing resources to assist to identify measurable goals or achievements the participant would like to achieve and then the Skill Development Practitioner spends time with the participant establishing a program that makes those goals achievable.
Over time what has been achieved with these programs has been a sense of achievement and a growing in confidence, as the small goals are reached then the participant can see progress and creates motivation.
CASoPS Skill Development Team have supervision, mentoring and program building support.
Most importantly Skill Development sessions are always conducted with the foundation that the participant is the expert in their own life and have the right to choose their own goals and ideals.